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Philodendron Luxurians Care Guide – The Ultimate luxurious Philodendron

Philodendron Luxurians care

To care for this plant you will need to give it bright indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. It is important that the potting mix is also water retaining. To care for the leaves of philodendron Luxurians, prune only the dying leaves. When you water this plant, make sure the top 1 inch of soil is dry. Humidity should be as high as you can get it. Fast growth happens when it feels like it is home in its normal environment.

A Quick run-through of care guide

WateringMake sure the top 1-2 inches of soil gets to dry before watering again. Water once a week.
LightingMedium indirect light is best. Luxurians do not like excessive sunlight. Max 2 hours of bright sunlight per day.
SoilSoil should be well-draining and have high water retention. Use perlite and Coco coir.
TemperatureThe best temperatures is between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the plant indoors during winter.
HumidityKeep humidity above 50%, but higher is even better.
FertilizerFertilize once a month during summer and spring. Do not fertilize in winter, unless you live in a tropical climate.
PropagationDo air-layering or regular stem cutting. Try air-layering first, since there is no risk.

Brief history

The plant originated from northern South America.  It is mainly found in the Choco region of Columbia. Luxurians have also been found in the rainforests of Ecuador. The name Luxurians came from the leaves’ appearance. The color and feel of the leaves were better than most other plants, thus the name Luxurians.

There is not much exact information on the specific growth and history of these plants. During the 1960s-80s American botanists came to South America to study exotic plants. This is where the plant presumably was mainstreamed

Philodendron Luxurians guide

In this guide, we will look at the important areas of caring for this plant. The important takeaway is that this is a tropical plant, and you should try to simulate its normal environment. Luxurians is a perfect plant for a new gardener. 

two philodendron luxurians and their optimal lighting

Optimal lighting for Luxurians

Philodendron luxurians grow best in bright indirect sunlight. Excessive sunlight will burn the plants’ leaves. The best position for Luxurians is in the north or eastern-facing window. Morning light and afternoon light are fine. Only allow the Luxurians to get a max of 2 hours of bright direct sunlight per day.

The plant will grow well in dim light. A low amount of lighting will mean the leaves won’t grow as big as normal.

Too much sunlight will leave the leaves and foliage yellow and pale. Scorched or sunburnt leaves must be avoided. The fix to excessive sunlight, you should give the soil plenty of water, and lower temperatures. 

This philodendron will brown easily.

A high amount of sunlight and high temperatures will evaporate water faster than it can replenish. This is especially a big problem if the soil is dry. Its natural environment in the rainforest jungle has plenty of water and plenty of shade from the sun.

Water requirements for Philodendron Luxurians

Philodendron luxurians are good at resisting drought. Water this philodendron once per week. Your focus should be on avoiding overwatering. Between watering the topsoil should be dry. Water the soil throughout when watering. Let the top 1 to two inches dry out. 

You can test soil dryness by sticking your finger into the soil. If the top is dry, then water the plant. Watering too much can cause root rot.

Root rot happens when you water too often. Many think it comes if you use too much water when you water it, but it is a disease of frequency and not amount. As long as the top of the soil gets to dry out, you will not have to worry about root rot.

Get soil and pots that allow for water to escape.

Potting Soil / Substrate

The soil substrate should be well-draining, but also water retaining. Make a mix with coarse sand, coco pit, and perlite. Perlite is the holy grail for philodendron soil. It makes drainage much better and retains a perfect amount of water. 

The soil should be neutral to acidic. A pH of about 5 is best for philodendron luxurians. You can add some liquid fertilizer to increase acidity. Most organic compost will also keep the pH slightly acidic.

Vermiculite and coco coir is also great for the soil. Avoid getting too coarse soil. The plant will dry out if the soil is too sandy. Do not use regular soil. Normal soil will be too muddy when you water it, causing root rot.

Best Temperature

Philodendron luxurians come from the rainforest, so its preferred temperatures will be warm. Temperatures between 65-and 80 degrees Fahrenheit are optimal. This plant does not like cold weather. Avoid getting the plant under 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

The cold will damage this plant. The plant should not be outside during winter if you live in a tempered climate. Low temperatures will cause the plant to grow at a slower rate. Try to place it in a warm spot of your house that gets medium indirect sunlight.

Humidity for Luxurians

The philodendron luxurians like humidity. It evolved in the rainforests of South America, where humidity is high. Keep the plant at least 50% humidity for great foliage and leaf growth. For optimal care, keep the plant at even higher humidity.

You can achieve higher humidity by placing a bowl under the plant or keeping it in a humid room. A bathroom would be good since the humidity is higher.

You do not have to keep humidity high. Lower humidity will cause the leaves the be smaller though. If you wish for large leaves and fast growth, then keep the plant at 70%+ humidity.


Fertilizing the philodendron Luxurians is important for good growth. You will not need fertilizer if you repot with new soil every year. If you do not make sure the soil has plenty of nutrients, then the plant will become dull.

Use a regular NPK liquid fertilizer once a month during spring and summer. Dilute the fertilizer 50% when you add fertilizer. In winter Luxurians will grow slower and be dormant. So, avoid fertilizing during winter and fall. Fertilizing in winter will do more harm than good. This is the case for a lot of philodendrons.

If you keep the plant in artificial conditions, you can use fertilizer.

Pruning and Maintenance

Maintenance is easy for the Luxurians. You do not need to do much during the year. The leaves will naturally grow very well. If you notice leaves that are dying or damaged, you can remove them. Use a sanitized shearer or cutter. You do not want this plant to get infected by dirty scissors.

You don’t have to remove any alive leaves during the growing season. Before spring, you should start removing the bad leaves for optimal foliage. Don’t touch small growing leaves during pruning. Let them grow naturally and only remove them when they wither.

Pruning can also be an art form. If you do not wish for a large plant, and instead of a beautiful plant, you can prune more often. Remove branches that would obstruct future growth. It is an art form that should be mastered before you use it on a beautiful philodendron like the Luxurians.

Philodendron Luxurians Propagation

We love the idea of propagation. Nothing is better than sending one of your plant’s children to a family member. It brings a large amount of pride. It is a beauty you can share, and what is better than that?

Gardening is a great hobby to share with friends. Both indoor plants and outdoor plants should be shared with friends.

There are two general methods for propagation we recommend for philodendron luxurians. You can use air layering or regular stem cuttings.

Always try air layering before any other method, as air layering is 100% safe to try. The method is to encourage roots to grow before you cut a node. If your aerial roots don’t show up or grow large, then you can stop this method.

To do air layering, you will need saran wrap, sphagnum moss, and water. (do not use peat moss)

  • Wet your sphagnum moss
  • Wrap it around the node of a stem, preferably one that already has aerial roots
  • Wait 10 days and check if the roots are growing well
  • If they don’t grow well, then wait another 5 days
  • They should be grown and strong after 10-15 days
  • Cut ½ inches to 2 inches below the node, and pot it
  • Keep the soils pot moist and warm
aerial roos philodendron luxurians sphagnum miss
Air layering aerial roots in Sphagnum moss

For the regular cuttings method, you will need a sterilized scissor, a stem with 1-3 leaves, water, and soil.

  • Find a nice stem with 1-3 leaves, and cut under the node
  • Put the cutting in moist soil or water for 2-4 weeks
  • The roots should be strong now
  • Transplant the Luxurians cutting into a pot
  • Keep the potted plants warm, until it is strong enough
  • Don’t make the soil muddy, and it will hurt the root-system
  • Too much humidity on a weak plant can cause fungus growth.
  • Let the plant thrive.


The Luxurians is a creeper that is fast-growing. This plant will grow especially fast if you give it an optimal environment. Keep humidity high, and temperatures high. Also, provide a good amount of indirect sunlight. A greenhouse could be good, as long as the sunlight is not too much.

You do not need to prune often, even with its fast growth. Remove dying leaves and call it a day. It will grow up to 20 inches in good environments.


Is it a creeper?

The philodendron Luxurians is a creeper. Growth is horizontal instead of vertical. All plants can become climbers if you force them hard enough. The plant will grow up to 20 inches in optimal conditions.

Is it a crawler?

Crawling plants have a tendency to grow horizontally instead of vertically. They will stay close to the ground. The philodendron Luxurians is a crawler. Big leaves can be low enough to touch the ground. Usually, the leaves will not touch the ground.

Is Philodendron Luxurians hard to care for?

Pests and root rot are common among many plants. Some tropical plants will need extensive care to keep them alive. The philodendron luxurians are not hard to care for. You barely need to prune it, to maintain the beautiful appearance. Just water once a week and fertilize during summer and spring. This makes for the perfect medium-low maintenance house plant. Houseplants like Luxurians are best.

Is it rare?

Philodendrons evolved deep in the rainforests of South America. It is only in the past 30 years philodendrons came into normal households. The Luxurians have recently bloomed in popularity. The philodendron Luxurians is rare. The price is between $100 and-300 for fully rooted plants. You can buy a young plant for a bit under $100.