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17 Best Philodendron Jungle Boogie Care Tips and Plant Facts

Philodendron Jungle Boogie Plant Care

Philodendron jungle boogie prefers a temperature between 65-90 degrees and potting mix with good aeration and drainage. Keep the soil moist and water once a week. The best humidity for plant care is 70%. Jungle Boogie should be fertilized once a month. Prune damaged leaves to restore and alleviate the plant’s health.

Jungle Boogie at a glance

Plant TypeClimbing Arum Araceae
LightingBright indirect light
Temperature65-90 degrees
WateringOnce a week. Check if the top soil is dry before watering
HumidityMedium-High. 60%+
Growth and SizeDoubles in size about every year. Gets 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide
Difficulty GrowingModerately easy to grow. Low pruning to maintain

How hard is it to grow Philodendron Jungle Boogie?

Philodendron Jungle Boogie is one of the easiest philodendrons to grow. You do not need anything special to grow this vivid plant. Humidity, temperature, and light do not have to be perfect for the Jungle Boogie to thrive.

Most experiences with the Jungle Boogie are GREAT. Its strength and resilience are better than most philodendrons.

The philodendron gets a very high rating. It is rather straightforward.

It is a great indoor houseplant for any and all people!!

Jungle Boogie Background

Origin countryFrom riverbanks of Ecuador rainforests. Later spread to the caribbean.
Botanical Scientific Name“Narrow Tiger Tooth” of the Arum Araceae family
Common namesJungle Boogie, Narrow, Tiger tooth, Narrow Escape, Henderson’s Pride, Serratum
Priceonly $15 on Etsy (USA)

The Jungle Boogie is often called Narrow or Tiger Tooth, but it isn’t. We have a related article to the Narrow Tiger Tooth if you are interested.

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This is the most “jungle” looking plants you will find. The leaves illuminated a deep green color. Tiger tooth is a common name for the Jungle boogie philodendron. It gets its name from the sharp leaves. Big mature leaves kinda look like a chainsaw.

Growth – How Big Will Jungle Boogie Philodendron Get?

The philodendron jungle boogie will grow up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The growth pattern is like a shrub or bush. Jungle Boogie will climb if you force it to, but it is a horrible climber without assistance.

Foliage – Flowering

Juvenile young Jungle Boogie plants will not flower or bloom. However, mature plants can flower often. Certain conditions will lead to the philodendron flowering 5 times per year on rare occurrences. The bloom will spring out a beautiful pink spathe with a white spadix. In common language, it will grow a beautiful pink flower from its middle. The flower will grow up to 3 inches long.

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Philodendron Jungle Boogie Needs and Care Tips

The most important areas for good care are lighting, watering, and temperature. Let the plant get a little bit of direct sunlight every day, but not too much. You should water the plant at least once a week during summer and spring. Let the top soil dry before watering again. Keep temperatures stable and warm for best growth. Freezing temperatures could kill your plant.

Optimal Lighting

The Jungle Boogie philodendron needs plenty of bright indirect sunlight throughout the day. It should not get more than 3 hours of direct sunlight per day. Too much sunlight will scorch the philodendron’s leaves.

You need to simulate its original growing conditions in the South American jungle. It never gets direct sunlight in the rainforests. Though it gets many hours of bright indirect sunlight.

Place the plant in an east or north-facing window for a perfect amount of sunlight. You can also place it near a south or west-facing window. There should be between 3 and 6 feet of space from the window.
If the plant gets too little sunlight, the plant gets less full. The leaves will grow smaller than usual, and the stems get leggy. You can know if the plant is leggy if the stems are way longer than they should be.

Water requirements for Jungle Boogie Philodendron

Watering frequency changes by the season and temperature. The plant should be watered about 1-2 times per week in the summer and spring. During winter, you might need to water less than once per week.

Allow the soil to dry out before watering the plant. If the top 2 inches of soil are dry, then it’s time to water the plant. Remember to water the plant throughout. Let the water pass out of the bottom of the pot. Don’t let the plant sit in the water.
The biggest problem with indoor gardeners and philodendrons is that they get root rot. It is easy to avoid root rot. Keep in mind that root disease comes from watering too frequently. So don’t overwater your Jungle boogie.

Potting soil/substrate

The soil for the Jungle Boogie philodendron should be loose. In its origin point in South America, the soil conditions are very loose. Good aeration and drainage are the hallmarks of good philodendron soil.

The Jungle boogie grows best in soils with high organic content. The soil should have good water retention, and good drainage at the same time.

Here is the perfect mix combination for philodendron soil:

  • 40% potting soil
  • 40% sphagnum peat moss or coco coir
  • 20% perlite and vermiculite

Temperature Needs for Jungle Boogie Plant

Keep temperatures between 65-90 degrees. Stable temperatures are important for the jungle boogie philodendron. So keep the plant away from vents and air conditions. During winter, the plant should not be close to open widows with freezing temperatures. 

Remember you usually need to water more often if the plant experiences hot temperatures. A lot of warmth without humidity means water will evaporate from the plant.

During summer, you can place the plant outside. In most regions of the world, the plant should be inside during winters. Freezing temperatures are very damaging to the jungle boogie philodendron.

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Best Humidity for Jungle Boogie

The Jungle Boogie prefers jungle conditions. High humidity is good. 70% or higher humidity ensures the plant grows big beautiful leaves. You don’t need high humidity for your plant to thrive. 

A good way to get higher humidity is to place the plant in humid rooms. The kitchen, laundry rooms, and bathrooms are great for philodendrons. If you wanna place it in a dry office, you should mist the plant leaves to simulate humidity.


Fertilizing depends on the type of soil you use. A soil with worm castings will not need to be fertilized. Fertilize once a month during summer and spring if you use normal soil. If you repot every year, then you don’t need to fertilize at all.

Regular liquid fertilizer is perfect. The solution should be diluted and added after watering the philodendron. Keep in mind that the soil should be slightly acidic at 5.5-6.5 pH.

mature big full jungle boogie philodendron photo

Pruning and Maintenance

Only remove damaged or diseased leaves. Any yellow or brown leaves should be removed, It is a waste of the Jungle Boogies’ energy, trying to save a dying leaf.

The Jungle Boogie is a resilient plant that is easy to take care of. Often you will only need to remove a leaf per year.

Very easy maintenance.

Propagation Jungle Boogie

The best way to propagate the Jungle Boogie philodendron is to use stem cuttings. Climbing philodendrons should be propagated with air layering. The Jungle Boogie is a terrible climber. The best methods for such is plant is soil propagating or water propagation.

 Soil propagation 

  1. Make a cutting of a stem. Cut half an inch under the node.
  2. Rub the bottom in rotting hormone.
  3. Place the cutting in moist soil.
  4. Keep the plant warm with plenty of light

I recommend using soil propagation on the Jungle boogie philodendron.

Water propagation

  1.  Make a cutting under a node
  2. Place the cutting in a container with water.
  3. Replace the water every 2 days to avoid infections
  4. Check if roots have developed from the node.
  5. After 10 days in the water, the plant should have sufficient roots developed.
  6. Plant the cutting in clean soil. Avoid stressing and fertilizing for a month.

Jungle Boogie or Philodendron Narrow?

Another extremely similar plant is the Philodendron Narrow. These two philodendrons are practically identical, but there are small differences.

Is it toxic to eat?

Do not eat this philodendron. Eating the leaves of the Jungle Boogie will cause a whole lot of irritation. Your tongue and throat will swell and itch. There is also a high chance of stool problems after consumption. 

If you have a baby or dog, it might be a good idea to place the plant on a window sill or a tall table.